Consumer Association by Dr Joseph Mercola Organic How Your Microbiome Influences Your Cancer Risk

Consumer Association by Dr Joseph Mercola Organic How Your Microbiome Influences Your Cancer Risk

Biome and Beyond Gut Food and Repair will create the diverse digestive microbiome you need to stay healthy.

 Consumer Association by Dr Joseph Mercola Organic
How Your Microbiome Influences Your Cancer Risk
Previous studies have shown certain gut bacteria quell inflammation, which is an underlying factor in virtually all cancers, whereas others promote it. As noted in a recent article in Nature,6 “bacteria have been associated with cancer initiation and progression. Some of these microbes activate inflammatory responses and disrupt the mucus layers that protect the body from outside invaders, creating an environment that supports tumor growth.”
Certain cancers have also been found to have infectious underpinnings. For example, Heliobacter pylori (H. pylori) has been linked to gastric cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer actually defines this microbe as a carcinogen.7 Interestingly, H. pylori has also been linked to a reduced risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma, demonstrating the complexity involved and the organ-specific effects microbes can have when it comes to their impact on cancer.

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