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In the last decade, the potential role of gut microbiota in the pathogenesis of brain disorders has attracted considerable attention. This gut microbiome plays an important role in the bi-direction...

Your Gut and Brain are Intimately Connected!
Research continues to find incredible connections between the microbiome and the Brain in fact the brain may have it's on microbiome that is similar to the gut microbiome of each individual. As r...

WHAT IS METABOLIC ENDOTOXEMIA Metabolic endotoxemia is linked to a broad range of chronic conditions, from heart disease and autoimmunity to anxiety, insomnia and depression. It is also common trig...

Probiotics are taken by millions of people to boost their microbiome or restore their gut health and yet questions remain whether they actually work. The research of Immunologist and researcher Era...

There are thousands of species that make up the microbiome with large variations in the numbers of these bacteria that are present. To further complicate matters, these ratios are very individual...

Leaky gut is a condition wherein there is a breakdown of the intestinal barrier. This results in an increased intestinal permeability which allows for the passage of toxins, antigens, food proteins...